Tuesday, September 30, 2008

After the Rain...






Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I'm still alive....

I knew that I didn't update this blog that often but haha...
What to do?
A-Levels just don't give me the break...
In the beginning of the year, i thought that A- levels is not as scary as SAM..
but trust me...they are more or less the same...
Maybe in the beginning you might felt that...aiya...it's ok lah...Can handle...
BUT(there's always a but) It's not.....
When it come to exams... you will think that... I have the knowledge lah... can do one..
Then you will end up crying....
it's not how much you have studied..
But it's how much you have used your brain....
Apparently, the author writing this post has only used a small part of her brain..

Monday, September 15, 2008


Just now my mom handed me half piece of guava....
And guess what i saw in it?

Those tiny white worms..
Worst still I saw it after I've bitten the guava...
i saw one white thing moving knew that I've seen a worm..
I quickly spitted out what was left inside and quickly rinsed my mouth...

Then, I looked at the residue that i spitted out,
and i saw one tiny little thing iving..

Ok I don't know whether i've accidentally eaten the worm or not...
Now my stomach just don't feel right.....ARGH....stupid worm...
How come the one that my mom ate don't have one...

Whatever lah...
Even if I did swallow something that I am not supposed to...
I guess the hydrochloric acid in my stomach will finish them off...


Sunday, September 14, 2008

中 秋 节 快 乐。。。

今 天 的 月 亮。。。。
我 不 知 道 耶。。。 没 去 赏 月...
月 圆 人 团 圆... 我 从 小 就 很 相 信 这 句 话..

犹 记 小 时 候, 我 很 喜 欢 吃 月 饼, 可 是 长 大 后 总 觉 得 吃 月 饼 变 成 了 一 种 公 行 列 事。 就 是 没 有 那 种 感 觉。

哈 哈。。。 不 管 如 何 还 是 要 祝 大 家 中 秋 节 快 乐。

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I hereby present you the new suat wei...


At first i have no intention to cut it that short...
But my mom said that shorter nicer mah..
Haha...don't care...just try for a new cut..
It's good to try new things right..
It's just that i am not so use to hair that is this short because i can't "play" with my hair..

Anyway, I like it..

DO you like it?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A Day Out

I am planning to cut my hair today..
But i didn't due to some reasons..

Therefore, i will go to mid valley again tomorrow to cut my hair...
Well, It woudn't be much difference as my hair will just be shorter...Haha..

But ther is something that I am proud of myself....
and park my car safely...

Then, in the afternoon my sister want to go to supermarket to buy mango...
for KH class i think..
They want to make fruit tart..
So Me, the driver,
Drove her out..
Then in the supermarket,
It was so funny...
Coz we seldom go to supermarket,
So ended up us asking each other:

My sister: "Sis, is this expensive ah?"
Me:"i don't know leh..I didn't know the price also...simply buy lah."
My sister: "Want to call mommy or not?"
Me:"Anything lah..."

Then at the moment i took out my phone, it rang...*scare me look*
I passed it to my sister.

My sister:"Ma, is RM x.xx for mango expensive?" "em, ok..."*hung up phone*
Me:" what did mommy said?
My sister:"She said help her to buy ginger also..."
Me:" ok"

Then we walked around to find ginger. Then my sis said that she want to buy snack.. Then ok loh.
After that, we paid and left.

Reached home...
My mom looked at the things we bought...
My mom:" Not bad wor..know how to buy stuff" "Good Good....next time we have another driver dee"

=.=" that's me....

Hopefully that i will be able to cut my hair tomorrow...

Sunday, September 7, 2008

如 果。。。

如 果 我 说 我 爱 你,
你 是 否 会 愿 意 用 你 的 生 命 来 爱 我?

如 果 我 说 我 爱 你,
你 是 否 会 用 你 的 生 命 来 保 护 我?

如 果 我 说 我 爱 你,
你 是 否 会 为 我 而 放 弃 一 切?

如 果 我 说 我 爱 你,
你 是 否 会 在 我 寂 寞 的 时 候 来 陪 我?

如 果 我 说 我 爱 你,
你 是 否 会 深 情 地 对 我 说 :“我 也 爱 你”?

如 果 我 说 我 爱 你,
你 是 否 会 为 我 付 出 你 的 所 有?

如 果 我 说 我 爱 你,
你 是 否 会 在 我 流 泪 时 为 我 擦 掉 眼 泪?

如 果 我 说 我 爱 你,
你 是 否 就 是 我 的 真 命 天 子?

如 果 你 是 爱 我 的,
你 是 否 会 对 我 坦 白?

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Happy Belated Merdeka Day!!! (=.='")

国 庆 日 快 乐!!!
虽 然 已 经 过 了 三 天,
但 迟 来 的 祝 福 好 过 没 到。
所 以, 我 要 祝 马 来 西 亚:
国 泰 民 安,
各 族 和 睦 相 处,
不 要 再 有 甘 榜 主 义、
极 端 言 论、
贬 低 其 他 种 族、
鸡 奸 案、
贪 污、
举 剑、
嚣 张 及 不 自 量 的 领 袖、
只 说 不 实 践 的 领 袖 等。

要 有 对 各 族 公 平 的 制 度、
具 有 高 度 透 明 度 的 政 府、
让 马 来 西 亚 和 平 的 领 袖。
我 们 要 得的东 西 很 简 单,
只 要 和 平、 安 居 乐 业,
就 足 够 了。( 不 要 太 贪 心 啦!)

祝:51 岁 生 日 快 乐!!!

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