Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I have been MIA for quite sometime.
The reason behind this:
  • I have been busied with assignments for the past few weeks
  • The assignment period is officially over.
  • Now, it's time to study for my exam which will be commenced two weeks from now
I am not very confident in this semester exams as there are so many things to read and understand.
Oh gosh, I really hope that I can make it....*cross fingers*..

Saturday, May 15, 2010


1. 你会细心得聆听我每一句话
2. 你会在我伤心的时候给予我安慰
3. 你会在我害怕无助的时候,紧紧地抱着我,在我耳边说:你还有我。
4. 你会在我开心的时候, 陪我一起大笑。
5. 你会紧紧的握住我的手,不轻易放开。
6. 你会愿意让我成为你的一切。
7. 你会让我的生命充满欢乐而不是悲伤。
8. 你会迁就我,不然我受一点委屈。
9. 你会知道我要什么。
10. 你会任由我无理取闹。


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